Monday, April 2, 2007

Idiocracy Redux

Savoring my last days of freedom before spring term commenced, I found myself watching Idiocracy for the first time late Saturday night, or rather, early Sunday morning. I found it to be a humorous, if somewhat grim, movie, slightly reminiscent of Brazil.

Fast forward to twenty minutes ago. I was reading through a comment pile loosely tied to the Snoop Dog/Bill O'Reilly fiasco here. Someone made a comment likening Snoop Dog's comments to the script of Idiocracy, which I read, thought about for two second, and then passed over. Later in the comment pile I had the sudden horrifying revelation that it is not uncommon for parts of comment piles to resemble dialogue from Idiocracy. This emphasized one of the themes of the movie, the possibility of highly sophisticated tools to be used without sufficient thought or discipline. Taking a page out of my local library's book, pun very much intended, I believe that I will start a propaganda campaign: "Be Kind, THINK!"

This also highlights the lack of respect which I feel is all too common in online discourse. I feel the same way about traditional analog conversation, but I see it to a high extent in digital conversation. Perhaps a part of the problem is that on the Internet we are always simultaneously behind someone's back and right in front of them.

Anyway, the reason it took me twenty minutes to start this post is I completely forgot how to access my account, oh the intricacies of G-Mail. I too fall victim to Idiocracy.

Be Kind, THINK!

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