Saturday, July 3, 2010

Audible MP3 Files

Since Blogger does not have the capability to upload just sound, and forces you to downsize videos in a big way, to get an audible copy of Tautologic to you I have linked to an MP3, now I can only blame myself for the poor quality. First and third links are share-alike (if you do something with it give me credit) non-commercial (please don't exploit me for money, though kudos if you think you could). Do whatever you like to the middle, though I make no claims express or implied of ownership of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and will not protect you from lawyers who decide that they actually own it.

A more audible copy of Tautologic can be found here.

Also me singing The Lion Sleeps Tonight just to have fun and practice editing, that is found here.

Finally, a fun parody of a parody of a remake, yes this is the third recursion, fourth generation total, is available here.

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