Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Still laboring despite this lingering miasma of ennui. Realized that today is Response Tuesday, but didn't have any questions that I wanted to ask at the moment. So, are there any questions that you would like me to ask? This could either be because you want to answer the question, or because you are interested in how others would answer the question. The first is preferable, both because I like it when people answer my questions and because sometimes my questions do not get answered.

Speaking of questions not being answered, at the time of this question last week's Response Tuesday is, sadly, a Responseless Tuesday. If you think that asking what questions you want is a cheating cop out, feel free to answer last Tuesday's question. Or the Tuesday before, wherein I asked what you want me to do with this Blog. I have gotten two responses to that, one of which I obliged and the other I am going to address in an August Friday post. So, I need three more Friday posts to fill up August.

Like I mentioned, some ennui lately, this is my only explanation for my delay responding to the comments on last Friday's post. Thank you for responding, I'm sorry I delayed so long, I shall go there now.


Cameo said...

I do have a question...

When someone is fishing for compliments, do you humor him/her?

Max said...

Here's a question: Do you consider your motivation regarding your professional life extrinsic or intrinsic? What about hobbies, like this blog?

Kenny said...

Well, I'll ask those questions over the next two Tuesdays, giving my answer also. How do you differentiate extrinsic or intrinsic motivation? Whether I do it for my own approval or others? What if that misses the point, for example if I work not for approval but for the rather mundane reason that I living somewhere and eating when the urge seizes me?

Frank said...

Question from me: Is it possible to be completely, totally, 100% altruistic. Thanks. Oh, we are in WI right now, so are closer to you geographically than normal.

Max said...

I have read your question post based on mine. Here are the comments I should have posted before that.

The definitions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation that I hold are very similar to yours, though re-labelled intrinsic and instrumental.

I guess I was specifically asking which had the greatest impact on your decision to start up and maintain a strictly scheduled blog -- the pleasure you derive from composing essays, or a desire to share ideas from others and be esteemed by your peers (for your excellent essay composition).

I've often thought about starting a math-themed blog, but don't want to publish until I've written something I like, so I think my motivation skews externally...